Arunendra Dvivedi, practicing douchelord and wannabe Mafia capo.
Meet Arunendra Dvivedi of SIS Certifications in India. You may remember him from a complaint we filed back in 2019 where a whistleblower uncovered evidence that SIS was colluding with a consultant to issue ISO certifications. Or the follow-up complaint on the same types of problems in 2023, where SIS was colluding with a Colombian consultant to issue ISO certs in Peru.
Arunendra is one of those typical third-world, would-be Mafia dons, who thinks because he has the protection of corrupt officials at IAF and APAC, he’s suddenly Al Pacino in Scarface. The other day, my Google alert went off and pointed me to a press release from SIS showing they issued an ISO 9001 certificate to the “Police Station Sector 65 and Police Station Cybercrime East in Gurgaon” in Gurugram India. So, I ran a post on LinkedIn pointing out the irony that a police station used a certification body that has been twice accused of fraud. Mind you, I didn’t accuse the Police Station of fraud, just irony.
Now, in both of those prior cases, SIS did nothing and then — as usual — the IAF gang of “overseers” jumped in to save them. In the first complaint, Dvivedi tried to shut the complaint down after only 20 minutes. When I told him that wasn’t going to work, and he had to abide by ISO 17021-1, he blew it off. When I challenged him, Dvivedi essentially told me to shut up, as he was negotiating a deal with his accreditation body, IAS:
It never got any better from there, and SIS never formally followed up on the complaint. In fact, Dvivedi made it much, much worse after he sent me a screenshot of a conversation between SIS and the consultant they alleged to be working with. That screenshot did not disprove the case against SIS, as Dvivedi seems to think, but actually proved it. It revealed the two working hand-in-hand, which isn’t supposed to happen. Dvivedi is so blindingly stupid, he didn’t realize he just sent me more evidence.
This screenshot — which Dvivedi sent me! — shows him talking to a consultant. The consultant admits he will try to get SIS clients “even no profit,” which is a conflict of interest of HUGE proportions.
Naturally, the matter got escalated to IAS and everyone else, but they quickly buried it. They never processed the complaint, or at least to my knowledge, since I never got an update.
When I noticed it was still open in 2023, I did a quick check and found that SIS was involved in all sorts of sketchy behavior, from claiming they operate in over 55 countries (they totally do not, and it appears SIS has only two full-time employees), to the fiasco with Colombia and Peru. I sent that to IAS and asked them what happened to the 2019 complaint, and IAS representative Patrick McCullen immediately ran to SIS’ defense, accusing me of not understanding the rules properly. I had to remind him that the rules say IAS is required to force SIS to process the complaint first, and that it is inappropriate for IAS to be mounting a defense on behalf of SIS in the first place, since they are supposed to be impartial.
At which point IAS – again — dropped the case and covered up for SIS and “Scarface” Dvivedi.
So, with all that backstory, you’d think Dvivedi would have the common sense to shut the fuck up this time. You’d be wrong, because he’s a smug little tugger who thinks he’s important or something.
Dvivedi jumped into chat and began attacking me, of course, going so far as to say he was reporting me to his client, the Cybercrime division, for some unspecified charge. Because we all know that the Indian police have international authority to arrest people in other countries, even though Dvivedi has no idea where I even live.
Then, he got worse and appeared to have threatened me physically. That may be up for grabs, but his Mafia-style tone was certainly meant to intimidate me.
Well that won him a complaint with the very Indian Cybercrime division he certified, because those kind of threats may very well be illegal under Indian law!

SIS’ Director Prabhat Mishra
Irony achievement unlocked!
Meanwhile, SIS’ CEO Prabhat Mishra — and yes, that’s his real photo on the right, not the result of a Midjourney prompt like “create image of a Desi Jabba the Hutt wearing a sweater vest” — has been pinging my LinkedIn profile like mad, but not answering my questions related to his underling’s batshit behavior. So, I guess the tree rots from the top.
I suspect we will be hearing a lot more about SIS, since as recently as yesterday I found another certificate with their logo on it that appears entirely bogus.
But, again, they are fully accredited, so the IAF protection racket remains in good working order.
So, now I am in hiding in an underground bunker because I could be arrested or killed at any moment because some douchelord in Delhi got his feelings hurt after I called him out for not following accreditation rules.
Christopher Paris is the founder and VP Operations of Oxebridge. He has over 30 years’ experience implementing ISO 9001 and AS9100 systems, and helps establish certification and accreditation bodies with the ISO 17000 series. He is a vocal advocate for the development and use of standards from the point of view of actual users. He is the writer and artist of THE AUDITOR comic strip, and is currently writing the DR. CUBA pulp novel series. Visit www.drcuba.world