Starting at only $200! Initial review is FREE!

The overall amount of nonconformities reported by accredited ISO 9001, AS9100 and other QMS registrars are legitimate, and must be addressed. However, at times a nonconformity finding is not warranted, or not supported by the particular standard, requiring you to decide whether to defend your company’s position, or yield and implement a solution that might not work for your company… or worse, force you to incur unexpected costs.

But how do you defend against a registrar’s findings? What is the process? Will the registrar “punish” your company at a later date for challenging them?

The truth is that ISO rules grant you, the end user, the right to present a defense against any finding, and to have the registrar conduct a review. You have the right… you just need to use it.

We can help challenge findings that:

  • Lack objective evidence
  • Do not comply with ISO 19011 and/or ISO 17021
  • Contain subjective auditor commentary or direct advice
  • Fail to cite the proper requirement
  • Fail to properly interpret the requirement
  • Invent requirements where they do not exist
  • Did not properly consider the objective evidence that was presented during the audit

Oxebridge has 15 years’ experience in preparing for, and participating in, third party audits of ISO 9001, AS9100 and other quality management system certifications. Over the years we have successfully formed objective, calm defenses for nonconformities issued against clients in a vast number of industries. We are pleased to now offer this as a service to any certified company, anywhere in the world. Upon submittal of your findings for an initial review, we will tell you if the finding appears unwarranted as compared to the applicable standards and facts. We will then help craft a response to the registrar’s appropriate review committee.

This is not a “get out of jail free” card. Oxebridge will review the findings against the applicable standards and governing rules, and only work with your company if your challenge is justified. If the finding is legitimate, we will let you know and provide a rationale as to why we agree with the auditor.

Don’t let a “rogue auditor” or  incomprehensible audit finding force you to spend time and money on unnecessary corrective action, or to put your hard earned QMS certification at risk. Download and complete the following application form and submit it, along with the applicable audit report including the findings you wish us to investigate, and we will contact you if we feel the finding deserves a full investigation.

If we do not obtain a reversal of the finding, you will receive a full refund.

Download and submit your application today; the initial review is free!

  • Application in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) – click here.