The Oxebridge headline feed will no longer automatically tweet updates to Twitter, due to changes on the platform initiated by Elon Musk.

Oxebridge, like thousands of other companies, relied on Zapier to connect the site’s content updates to Twitter. Due to dramatic changes by Musk, Twitter now demands companies like Zapier pay tremendous fees for use of the Twitter API, whereas previously this was free. Zapier thus requires companies like Oxebridge to pay for a higher level of service in order to link the site to Twitter.

Oxebridge has not embraced the use of Twitter and has only 300 followers, a portion of which are likely bots. The company had never prioritized building a Twitter following, arguing that few people search Twitter for information on ISO certifications. Oxebridge then pulled back further on Twitter activity since the takeover by Musk led to an increase in hate speech and trolling. As a result, there is no sound business reason to pay additional fees to Zaiper to keep the content updates active.

Oxebridge is continuing to emphasize its usage of LinkedIn, where two groups managed by the company total more than 170,000 users, as well as its Slack Channel, which has over 500 active users and is growing slowly.


ISO 17000 Series Consulting